Imagine it is 1994 and someone has told you about a thing called The Internet.
Now check out this advert for DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation):
[Link via Fimoculous]
Imagine it is 1994 and someone has told you about a thing called The Internet.
Now check out this advert for DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation):
[Link via Fimoculous]
This is a very clever countdown from 100 to 1 using different movie clips.
The films used are:
100. Night of the Living Dead
99. Laura
98. Dead Poet’s Society
97. Blade Runner
96. The Lost Weekend
95. Ocean’s 11
94. Star Wars
93. Midnight Run
92. It Came From Outer Space
91. The Right Stuff
90. The Fugitive
89. The French Connection
88. Back to the Future
87. Castaway
86. Quiz Show
85. Silence of the Lambs
84. Titanic
83. The Magnificent Seven
82. Rainman
81. Galaxy Quest
80. Harold and Maude
79. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
78. The Day The Earth Stood Still
77. The Apartment
76. The Great Escape
75. The Hustler
74. Ed Wood
73. The Jerk
72. Raiders of the Lost Ark
71. When Harry Met Sally…
70. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn
69. MASH
68. The Breakfast Club
67. The King and I
66. Gentleman’s Agreement
65. The Princess Bride
64. Yellow Submarine
63. Network
62. Mr. Roberts
61. Singles
60. Gone With the Wind
59. The Awful Truth
58. Goldfinger
57. The Manchurian Candidate
56. It’s a Wonderful Life
55. The Blues Brothers
54. The Remains of the Day
53. Midnight Express
52. Waking Ned Devine
51. Roman Holiday
50. Cool Hand Luke
49. The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
48. The Adventures of Robin Hood
47. The Big Sleep
46. On the Waterfront
45. The Hudsucker Proxy
44. Dirty Harry
43. Monty Python and the Holy Grail
42. Finding Nemo
41. Ben Hur
40. Superman
39. The 39 Steps
38. Aliens
37. Men in Black
36. Clerks
35. Harvey
34. Marty
33. The Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean
32. All About Eve
31. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
30. The Wild Bunch
29. Young Frankenstein
28. The Bridge Over the River Kwai
27. The Usual Suspects
26. North by Northwest
25. Sunset Blvd.
24. Escape from NY
23. The Wizard of Oz
22. Casablanca
21. The Lion in Winter
20. Boogie Nights
19. The Shawshank Redemption
18. Almost Famous
17. The Maltese Falcon
16. The Natural
15. Being John Malkovich
14. The Professionals
13. Lawrence of Arabia
12. Ghostbusters
11. This is Spinal Tap
10. Citizen Kane
9. 12 Angry Men
8. Office Space
7. To Kill a Mockingbird
6. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
5. The Godfather
4. Fargo
3. L.A. Confidential
2. Once Upon a Time in the West
1. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
[Link via MCN]
Someone has made a video featuring a bunch of mistakes in James Bond films.
BS News has some images of mistakes in movies. Most of them look real but I have a feeling that the first one (Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean wearing an Adidas hat) may be some kind of photoshop joke… (Link via Digg)
> Check out the pics at BS News
> More bloobers at Movie Mistakes
Here’s an interesting Wikipedia entry, a list of films that most frequently use the F-word. Most of the data comes from sites like Family Media Guide. I’m sure the intention is to warn parents about unsuitable content for younger viewers but they can also be a source of unintentional hilarity.
Check out this analysis of the “sexual content in context” in Casino:
Man has sex with a married woman on a hotel bed; they move on the bed together, their faces are contorted in pleasure and we hear their moans. A man and woman get into a car, the woman then ducks her head into a man’s lap.
It is also worth noting that a lot of the films in the top 20 of the list are actually really good (Nil By Mouth, Goodfellas, Narc, The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction).
Does this suggest some kind of strange correlation between swearing and quality cinema? (Via Digg)
> The full F-list at Wikipedia
> An indieWIRE interview with director Steve Anderson who made a film exploring the F-Word
M&Ms have done a highly addictive game to promote their new Dark Chocolate. Just click on the many cyptic images that represent a “dark” film and enter the correct title. There are 50 to get. (via Pop Candy)
I just came across this Zombie Alphabet on Flickr. Maybe George A Romero could use it as the font for his official site.
> George A Romero at the IMDb
> Another Zombie photoset on Flickr
Worth1000 currently has a terrific selection of photoshopped movie posters in their Mate a Movie competition. (Link courtesy of Movie City News)
My favourites include:
> Wikipedia on Worth1000
> Some genuine posters at the Movie Posters Awards site
It has already spawned a slew of spoof posters and trailers but you know a film has really entered pop culture when scenes from it are recreated in Lego.
> Brokeback Mountain in Lego
> Dumbfuck Mountain
> Kickback Mountain
> Spoof Marlboro Man poster using a line from the film
> Another Brokeback riff on the Marlboro man
What about the great sci-fi films that were never made? Or those that were, but fell short? Here is a very interesting selection of the best sci-fi films that never existed courtesy of David Wong at Pointless Waste of Time.
> Wikipedia on Sci-Fi Films
> The Guardian’s top ten sci-fi films
There are numerous Brokeback Mountain spoofs being posted on the web but this trailer with scenes from the Back to the Future trilogy by Emerson College’s comedy troupe Chocolate Cake City is the funniest I’ve seen so far.
> The trailer at YouTube
> The site where it all started
> USA Today on the culture of Brokeback jokes
If you are a fan of Angry Alien Productions (they do thirty second versions of films with animated bunnies) then they have a special version of A Christmas Story up for the festive season. They also have It’s A Wonderful Life on their site aswell if you want to indulge in another Christmas favourite.
> Angry Alien version of Star Wars
> Angry Alien version of The Exorcist
> Angry Alien version of Pulp Fiction
> Angry Alien Version of The Shining
The UK poster for The Family Stone seems remarkably similar to the one for Love Actually.
Note the:
– Similar fonts
– The use of red and black to highlight the actors first and last names
– The gratuitous sprinkling of red wrapping paper highlighting the fact its a Christmas film.
Is there a designer who specialises in posters for the Christmas period? The US one sheet for The Family Stone was much better but as JoBlo points out even that poster is remarkably similar to a Spanish film called Novios. Strange…
> The forum at DigitalSpy notice the similarities too
> Classic Film Posters at
> Movie Posters at
Maybe not quite as good as the alternative trailer for ‘The Shining’ but this remixed trailer for Penny Marshall’s 1988 film starring Tom Hanks is still pretty funny.
Having just come out of Woody Allen’s latest film (a full review will be posted soon) I couldn’t help but notice something strange and interesting.
No matter how much movies try to be realistic there are always certain things that have to be unrealistic. One of the most obvious is phone numbers. In American films any phone number in a film usually starts with the fictious 555 code, although Bruce Almighty cheekily flaunted this convention in 2003.
However, in Matchpoint (which opens in the UK on January 6th) one character clearly states a London number. I don’t remember it exactly but it starts 0207, the code for Inner London, where the bulk of the film is set. Off the top of my head I can’t recall something like this happening before. My gut feeling is that they have added an extra digit to make it fictious but if you get a weird phone call after January 6th it could just be a Woody Allen fan…
> Official Site for Matchpoint
> CBS News on the Bruce Almighty phone number shenanigans
> A "Mind-numbingly comprehensive" list of 555 phone numbers in TV and Film
> Wikipedia on the 555 tradition
> The Guardian’s Notes and Queries section on the subject
This remixed trailer for Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 horror film is pure genius. I don’t know what Kubrick himself would make of it but it’s funny as hell.
> The New York Times on the man behind it
> The video at (should play in QT and WM)
> The Tattered Coat has more on the story
Is it just me or are the cops in Wisconsin being a little heavy handed?
(Link via The Register)