I’m not sure if these videos of a man filming his wife crying at films are real, fake or part of some kind of internet spoof.
The deal is that the husband claims his wife:
‘cries after almost every movie we see with a happy or sad ending’.
It started when they watched all 6 episodes of Star Wars (one per day) and she started to lose it.
He then filmed it and uploaded it to YouTube (I hope with her permission).
He then filmed her after watching The Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future, AI and Marley and Me (she really loses after this one).
I should add a dash of scepticism by saying that the husband claims to work for a company that “handles ninja affairs” but he’s probably joking of course.
Spoof or not, it does highlight that one of the primary reasons people watch films is for an emotional release.
Although one frequent complaint by mainstream audiences is that something is ‘too depressing’, some of the most successful films of all time like Love Story (1970), E.T. (1982) and Titanic (1997) were openly sad at their core.
One of the ideas Ancient Greeks had about drama was for it to provide catharsis and purge us of our negative emotions within a social situation.
Tragedies and their modern movie antecedents are a form of art based on human suffering, that paradoxically offers the audience pleasure.
Despite all the joking around in these videos, they actually hit upon this truth.
What films should this guy show his wife next? I’d go for Up, Stand By Me or The Shawshank Redemption.