This long form advert for Johnnie Walker whisky with Robert Carlyle is a pretty incredible piece of filmmaking.
Entitled The Man Who Walked Around The World, it features Carlyle walking and talking to camera, discussing the history of the famous Scottish beverage.
It was directed by Jamie Rafn and the copy was written by Justin Moore of BBH.
Rafn explains in this interview with Shots that:
- It was all shot in one take.
- They blocked it out in Hyde Park with a small HDV camera and then in Scotland with some index cards marking where the props would be.
- The take used was the final one they filmed at 8pm on the last day of the shoot (Take 40).
- It was shot near Loch Doyne in Scotland.
- The Steadicam operator was George Richmond, who was sat on the back of a rickshaw being pulled up and down the hill by two grips.
N.B If the YouTube video gets pulled then you can watch it on the official Johnnie Walker website.