Transformers: Dark of the Moon (Paramount): The third film in the series sees more battles between alien robots, which includes the destruction of large chunks of Chicago. Directed by Michael Bay, it stars Shia Labeouf, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley and John Turturoo. [Nationwide / 12A] [Read our review here]
Larry Crowne (Optimum Releasing): Comedy-drama about a man (Tom Hanks) who tries to turn his life around by returning to community college in LA. Directed by Hanks, it co-stars Julia Roberts and Gugu Mbatha-Raw. [Nationwide / 12A]
The Conspirator (Universal): Period drama about Mary Surratt, the only female co-conspirator charged in the Abraham Lincoln assassination. Directed by Robert Redford, it stars James McAvoy, Robin Wright, Tom Wilkinson and Kevin Kline. [Nationwide / 12A]
A Separation (Artificial Eye): Iranian drama about the knock on effects of a couple breaking up. Directed by Asghar Farhadi, it stars Leila Hatami, Peyman Moadi, Shahab Hosseini, Sareh Bayat, Sarina Farhadi and Babak Karimi. [Key Cities / PG]
As If I Am Not There (Element Pictures): Drama set during the Bosnian war, about a woman (Natasha Petrovic) who gets caught up in the horrors of the conflict. Directed by Juanita Wilson, it stars Stellan Skarsgard and Miraj Grbic. [Key Cities / 18]
Beetle Queen Conquers Tokyo (November Films): Documentary about the Japanese fascination with insects. Directed by Jessica Oreck. [Key Cities / U]
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> UK DVD & Blu-ray releases for Monday 27th June 2011, including Never Let Me Go and Akira