
Hollywood Conversations with Mike Figgis

Back in 1998 Mike Figgis recorded a series of interviews with actors, director and producers.

It was primarily for Part 10 of the Faber Projections series, which was published in 1999.

I’d read the book when it came out but now Figgis has uploaded videos of the original interviews to his Vimeo channel, which were first shown on Film Four in 1999 (before it became Film4).

Most were conducted in his office on the Sony Pictures lot and featured candid and often fascinating conversations about the film industry with some key players.

Part of what’s intriguing about them is to consider how much things have (or have not) changed since then.

Click on the following links to view them on Vimeo:

> Mike Figgis at IMDb, Wikipedia and Vimeo
> Buy the book at Amazon
> Read his book on Digital Filmmaking at Google Books