Time Out report that Chris Weitz is back in the director’s chair for The Golden Compass – the first filmed adaptation of Philip Pulman’s His Dark Material’s trilogy
The Hollywood Reporter review Poseidon
Anne Thompson at The Hollywood Reporter on C-Span’s disappointing attitude to the Stephen Colbert video. Whilst I sympathise with them to some degree, don’t they see what incredible reach and free publicity YouTube has given them?
Capone from AICN interviews Terry Zwigoff about ‘Art School Confidential’
A strange but intriguing piece on Lindsay Lohan in – of all papers – the New York Times.
The AP report on how Maggie Gyllenhall nearly quit ‘World Trade Center’ over remarks she made last year.
A mjor Hollywood studio finally realises that BitTorrent technology can work FOR them rather than against them.
If fans of World Of Warcraft can drag themselves from actually playing the game then they might catch the film version currently in the works.
Buisness Week with a story about the FBI going undercover to bust pirates. Maybe this could be the basis for MI:4 ;- )
A movie about Daniel Pearl – the WSJ reporter who was murdered in Pakistan in 2002 – is going to be made according to the AP. Based on the book “Who killed Daniel Pearl?” by Bernard-Henri Levy it will star Josh Lucas as in the title role.
Cinematical on Al Pacino’s podcast. I’m a couple of days late with this one but it was too good not to link to.