Zodiac opens in the US today.
The latest film from David Fincher (his first since 2002’s Panic Room) tells the story of the serial killer nicknamed the Zodiac who murdered several people in California during the 1970s. It tells the story of the different journalists (Jake Gyllenhall and Robert Downey Jr), detectives (Mark Ruffalo and Anthony Edwards) and victims invloved in the long running case.
As you might expect for a Fincher film it looks fabulous but it is so much more than a conventional serial killer film. It is a beautifully crafted and haunting portrait of a case that took a heavy toll on the lives of the people it touched.
It comes out here in in the UK a couple of months, so I’ll post more about it then but if you are in the States and are a fan of one of the best filmmakers currently working in Hollywood then I would highly recommend you go see it.
> Check out the trailer for Zodiac
> Reviews of Zodiac at Metacritic
> Digital Content Producer on the digital workflow Fincher employed whilst making Zodiac
> Jeff Wells from Hollywood Elsewhere with an in depth review of Zodiac that I largely agree with
> Manhola Dargis of the New York Times also likes it
> Andreas Wacker has blogged about his work on the film