Only a day to go and the Brokeback Mountain spoofs are still going strong. I’ve been tempted to change a couple of my predictions but I’m going to leave them as they are. A voice is my head keeps saying Paul Giamatti is going to win instead of George Clooney but I’m doing my best to ignore it.
Anyway, here are some more links on the eve of the big night.
> The Angry Alien team have done a 30 second version of Brokeback Mountain with bunnies
> Jeff Wells has a sneaky feeling that Crash could cause a Best Picture upset despite being an ardent fan of Brokeback Mountain
> Jackie Finlay of BBC News speaks to Wallace and Gromit creators Nick Park and Steve Box about their Oscar expectations
> Defamer go into last minute Oscar overdrive
> The AP’s special Oscar section
> Leonard Klady with some interesting Oscar observations at Movie City News
> Predict the winners at Oscarwatch
> Truthdig interviews David Thompson on the Oscars (he’s right about Crash by the way)
> Blogpulse takes a look at the contenders for Best Actor and Best Actress
> Check the latest Oscar odds at Oddschecker
> David Carr of the New York Times makes his final Oscar predictions
> Print out a ballot courtesy of the official Oscars site