
Paul Newman’s Philanthropy

Paul Newman was born on this day in 1925 and despite passing away in 2008, his remarkable philanthropic activities live on.

Paul Newman was born on this day in 1925 and although he passed away in 2008, his remarkable philanthropic activities live on.

Think for just a minute about a major Hollywood actor who starts up a successful food business and then gives all the profits to a charitable foundation.

It is almost as unlikely as an actress inventing the technology later used for wi-fi.

But it actually happened.

To date, Newman and Newman’s Own Foundation have donated more than $300 million to thousands of charities around the world.

This was in addition to being one of the biggest movie stars on the planet.

Paul Newman at the IMDb
> More on Paul Newman’s life at Wikipedia
Newman’s Own Foundation
> The Hole in the Wall Gang (also on Twitter and YouTube)