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YouTube goes down

I’ve just realised that YouTube is down.

Server problems? Or perhaps the Pakistan government somehow taking it offline again, like they did back in February?

Paul Glazowski at Mashable has some thoughts:

First highlighted by Allen Stern at CenterNetworks, the outage seems to have stretched the globe, with reports from people spanning the US, the UK, Estonia, and places elsewhere.

A few simple requests by yours truly for YouTube clips via Google Search this morning return links to unresponsive pages. (The Australian site is down too, by the way.)

Not good, not good. Maintenance gone wrong, is it? Whoโ€™s to say? Googleโ€™s not talking, neither on the company blog or, more specifically, on the official Youtube Blog.

UPDATE at 15.15 GMT: It is back up in the UK.

What about where you are in the rest of the world? Leave any comments below.

One reply on “YouTube goes down”

I don’t watch a lot of streaming video: the quality is not always acceptable…there can be delivery and reception issues. I love vodcasts…

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